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Preparation season

Hello beautiful people.

For those of you who prefer things written out..this update is for you.

The last two emails I sent out were links directing you to 2 live videos I did of myself explaining this upcoming season! Below I will give a short summary of the 2 videos combined and after I will share ways you can get involved, and how to pray for me!

Sooo… if you don’t know already I feel the Lord has called me to go to Capetown South Africa! For a long time I kept it to myself because of fear. I thought to myself “well that’s too good to be true, it must not be God, it’s just me.” After a few chats with different people I realized I really needed to check myself and reconsider what I believed God was asking of me. A friend said to me “Don’t you think God wants His best for you”. Then the next day I was on facebook and I saw the quote “If it’s too good to be true than it’s probably the gospel!” It was then that I repented more than once for questioning God or thinking it was too good to be true.

On my way home from Tete Mozambique I stopped in Capetown for a week and God showed up BIG TIME. I didn’t really have any expectations in coming other than putting my feet on the soil and praying a lot. I made connections, partnerships, met amazing people, & many South Africans prayed for me and encourage me. If you want some details on that be sure to check out my videos on facebook! Fear of the future was kind of haunting me before I got to Cape as I stressed about applying for a Visa and many other things. He continued to show me how faithful He is and how much I can trust Him. It really helped me begin to move forward.

I will send out another update sharing my vision for what I feel the Lord has called me to do there but for now I just want to share a few things about what I am up to now. I have taken the time since I’ve been in the states to rest, spend time with family, and process my time in Tete. It has been so nice to just be STILL.Ive also enjoyed some much needed time with my dog Harper as you can see in the photo above.

Next week I start my job at The Academy. I will be a part time 2K teachers assistant and I will be the “nappers” teacher. Which means I get to take all of the little ones who need naps to a room where they get snack, a nap, and play until their parents pick them up! I also am signed up to be a substitute teacher. I feel like the Lord has told me 2020 is my year to go to Capetown. I am not sure when exactly but I know He will continue to lead me in the right direction as he always does.

I also would LOVE to grab coffee or a meal with any of you if you are close to me! I really would love to catch up with all of my supporters and also share with you personally what all God is doing and saying about the near future. Please email me if you want to meet up!

With the free time that I have I will be starting up a nonprofit. This is something brand new to me and I am so excited to see what all God does. If you or someone you know has knowledge about starting up nonprofits or connections with someone who does please send me their contact! I am looking for someone to help me with all the fun paper work, the application, and for an accountant. Most of all I need your prayers as I begin this preparation season.


* For God to continue to connect me with the right people

* For the whole non profit application process to run smoothly

* For finances. I am going to be working a bit but I now will not only need finances for me personally but for the ministry I am starting. There will also be application fees for both the non profit & Visa applications.

* For favor with the South African Embassy

Thank you to everyone for your continued love and support! Im so excited to share with you all my every step during this preparation season!

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